
Halloween Costumes



My favorite holiday of the year is coming up very very soon!

In my first year of college I was Arachne. It was awesome. And if there weren’t quite so many awesome amazing women to dress up like left, I would be her again. I walked around campus with an enormous spider hugging my torso and a noose hanging from my neck. I’ll grant that my peasant-skirt and bright red vest with cleavage only a freshman girl Medea, by Delecroixfeels no shame at had little to do with an historically accurate representation, but that costume – and the make-up – was amazing. Awesome. Off the chain, even.

So this year? I’m not absolutely sure yet. At first I thought of Medea, but then I was like, hmmm, maybe carrying around two bloody baby dolls is a bit much outside of a Haunted House. The next thought was of a monster, and trying to get away from the overly dark Medea costume, I considered the sexy Sirens. But the thing is, being half birds, that’s more of a costume than I can throw together from my quite limited wardrobe. (Particularly now that my partner has been making me throw away the more eccentric parts of it and insidiously replacing them with very classy pants, skirts, and shirts that would be appropriate at any dinner party or office meeting.)

So now I’m thinking about Delphyne with cut off hands in a basket and dragon-y make-up to make the point, or Demeter with some sheafs of wheat and a crown or something, or Selene and make my partner dress up like Endymion. What do you think I should be? (Keep in mind, I’m not going to a party, this is just for handing out candy.) What are YOU planning on dressing up like this year?


4 responses to “Halloween Costumes”

  1. I looooooove when people get costumes in pairs…
    And imagine… you could be Amphitrite and he can be Posidon; you could be Helen and he could be, well, Paris… You could be Afrodite and he could be the mirror lol

  2. What about Circe? You can use moons, suns and carry a pig!

  3. I vote for Delphyne (for you, not for me). Then when you hand out the candy basket, you can accidentally hold out the basket of hands. Should be good for a laugh or two.

  4. I’m curious – what were you for Halloween? Love the Arachne idea! I’m planning to get a van camper at some point, and I weave, and I want to have a custom paint job of the contest between Athena and Arachne on the side – sans the hanging part, though, I think I’d need to “sanitize” it for the outside of a vehicle… Just have the actual contest, and a spider prominently featured in a tree nearby.

    Just found your site the other day – bought Bulfinch for my Kindle and was reading it, thinking I remembered it all (from grade school and jr high, since although I have a copy somewhere in storage, I haven’t actually read it since then, thinking I KNEW how it all went) and, thanks to your reading list, have spent quite a bit more on books to add to said Kindle… ๐Ÿ™‚ some are not available for it, sadly. I already had Metamporphoses and The Odyssey (in love with Odysseus) (and Athena!) on there, but have added a lot of the histories, which are relatively cheap. Any recommendations on what more expensive textbooks might be the best to invest in? Have you read Greek Nymphs by Jennifer Larson? I’m on the sample, and it seems wonderful so far. What I want is a decent chronology – it always confused me that Thetis got married and the apple was thrown, then Paris went off and got Helen, and all of a sudden Achilles was old enough to fight. I think maybe I’m too timeline-focused to appreciate mythology, for all that I write poetry and had an altar to Athena in 2nd grade… lol

    I absolutely adore your website, by the way. Mine has undergone several revisions over the last several years (from scrapbooking to weaving)and I don’t have it up to where I want it to be. But yours is just amazing!

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