Mahud, famous for his mythblog community organizing through the synchroblogs and also his awesome mythy pagan posts, has honored me by nominating this blog for the I Love Your Blog award. Now I get to pass the love on by nominating seven other blogs!
Between Old and New Moons – I love what you do with mythology and faith. There are plenty of blogs doing one or the other, but few that wed the two as effectively and appealingly as you do. Also, beyond my appreciation for the content of your posts, I think of you as a blog community leader, and that makes me just about adore you.
Letter from Hardscrabble Creek – I thoroughly enjoy your blog. You don’t do a whole lot of educational myth stuff, but your incorporation of ancient Greek religion not just into your personal perspective but a social one (what the pagan community is doing with it) makes your blog really stand out. Also, it’s beautiful. Fantastic pictures, and your narrative is great.
Tales of a Wayward Classicist – My old friend. It’s not just for that I’ve included you in this list, although I might not know of your blog were it not for that. You are hilarious. Your translations are good. Your discussion of the subject matter and the people (like Catullus and Lesbia) are totally on point and so fresh that it’s hard to believe we’re talking about things that were written thousands of years ago. You’re going to be a fantastic Classics professor.
Under Odysseus – is on hiatus. That’s a crying shame because it’s the coolest thing in the blogosphere as far as I’m concerned. But maybe if you go buy a “I sacked Troy and all I got was this lousy t-shirt” shirt, he’ll have enough money to come back! It’s a blog written by Euryochus, one of the sailors with Odysseus. It’s awesome. It makes me happy.
Bubo’s Blog – You do something that is particularly interesting to me. You relate Classical myth to kids in the classroom. It’s a topic that I think should be discussed more, but you not only discuss it you make it fun for people who aren’t in the classroom any more. Easy to read and all that, too, of course and fun!
Susie Bright’s Blog – What did you think I was just gonna talk about Greek stuff? No way! This is, without doubt, one of the blogs I love. She talks about herself, and politics, and other good stuff, but I like it best when she talks about gender and sex. Which she does often, and with delicious genius.
Xark – The tagline is that there are no unrelated topics, and that is pretty true. It’s a group blog and includes a bunch of “real” journalists (working for real newspapers!) which helps explain why it’s so well written and researched. It’s my favorite catch-all blog, no news-aggregators for me!
In closing, you all rock.
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