The Myth Pages

Table of Contents

This is where you go to FIND all those stories you should have read years ago.

Classical Beginnings
Classical Beginnings
The Twelve Labors of Heracles
Pandora's Jar
Aristophanes' (Plato's) Myth (also the Stuck-Together-People myth)
Creation of Humanity
Love Stories
Echo and Narcissus
Echo and Narcissus
Psyche and Eros
Psyche and Eros
Ariadne and Theseus
Ariadne and Theseus
Io the Cowgirl
Io the Cowgirl
Orpheus and Eurydice
Orpheus and Eurydice
Scylla and Glaucus
Scylla and Glaucus
Andromeda and Perseus (or the Death of Medusa)
Andromeda and Perseus (or the Death of Medusa)
Procne and Philomela
Procne and Philomela
Hylas and Dryope, by Alex Kirk
Hylas and Nymph
Attis, by Donatello
Cybele, Agdistis, and Attis
The Awakening of Adonis, by John William Waterhouse
Helen the Face
Helen the Face
Other Important Myths
The Naming of Athens
The Naming of Athens
The Golden Apple (or the Judgement of Paris)
The Judgement of Paris
Deucalion and Pyrrha
Pyrrha and Deucalion
The Twelve Labors of Heracles
The Twelve Labors of Heracles
Niobe and Artemis
Leto's Defenders
Otus and Ephialtes
Otus and Ephialtes
The Death of Actaeon
The Death of Actaeon
The Golden Fleece
The Golden Fleece
The Life and Death of Atalanta
The Life and Death of Atalanta
The Calydonian Boar Hunt
The Calydonian Boar Hunt
The Life and Death of Orion
The Life and Death of Orion
The Danaides
The Danaides
The Life and Death of Antigone
The Life and Death of Antigone
The Seven Against Thebes
The Seven Against Thebes

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Last Updated June 28, 2011